Understanding Skin Disorders Through the Lens of Unani Medicine

Skin disorders can be frustrating, uncomfortable, and challenging but Unani Medicine can help at this front. Conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, urticaria, acne, and dermatitis affect many people. These issues can lead to rashes, itching, and inflammation. They can also change how our skin looks and feels. In this article, we will explore how the Unani system of medicine understands and treats skin disorders.

What Are Skin Disorders?

Skin disorders encompass various conditions that affect the skin’s health. The skin serves as our body’s protective barrier. When it is compromised, we may experience symptoms such as:

Eczema: Often itchy and inflamed, it can appear as red patches.
Psoriasis: Characterized by thick, silvery scales, it can cause significant discomfort.
Fungal Infections: Conditions like athlete’s foot or ringworm result from fungal growth on the skin.
Urticaria (Hives): Raised, itchy welts often triggered by allergens.
Acne: A common condition affecting many, particularly teenagers, involving clogged pores and inflammation.
Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin that can occur due to various irritants.
Additionally, Some blood disorders, such as purpura, can also manifest as skin problems. These skin issues may not only affect appearance but also overall comfort and well-being.

The Unani System of Medicine

Unani medicine has its roots in ancient Greece and Persia. It focuses on a holistic approach to health. Central to this system is the theory of four humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Each humor plays a role in maintaining balance in our bodies. An imbalance can lead to various health issues, including skin disorders.

Key Concepts in Unani Medicine

Holistic Approach: Unani practitioners consider the whole person. They look at physical, emotional, and environmental factors.
Temperament (Mizaj): Every individual has a unique temperament that influences their health. Understanding this helps tailor treatment.
Diagnosis: Unani uses methods like pulse diagnosis, urine analysis, and examination of the skin and tongue to identify imbalances.

Causes of Skin Disorders

In Unani literature, skin disorders are viewed through the lens of the body’s humors. Imbalances can lead to specific conditions and symptoms. Let’s look at some common skin disorders and their Unani interpretations.

Allergies: Allergies as a skin disorder occur when the immune system reacts to allergens, leading to symptoms like itching, rashes, and hives. Common triggers include foods, medications, and environmental factors.

Impaired Digestion: Poor digestion can lead to an accumulation of waste. This waste can affect the skin, causing rashes and irritations.
Toxins (Azaab): Accumulated toxins in the body can manifest as skin disorders. These toxins may arise from improper digestion or unhealthy eating habits.
Blood Quality: The quality of blood is crucial in Unani medicine. Poor digestion can lead to poor blood quality, which can trigger skin issues.

Common Skin Disorders in Unani Medicine

Let’s delve deeper into how Unani medicine views specific skin disorders:


In Unani literature, eczema is linked to a disturbance in the body’s humors, particularly an increase in “hot” bile. Treatment may include:

Dietary Adjustments: Avoiding spicy and hot foods to balance body heat.
Herbal Remedies: Using soothing herbs like chamomile and aloe vera.


Psoriasis is viewed as an excess of “cold” phlegm in the body. Management strategies may involve:

Detoxification: Cleansing the body to eliminate toxins.
External Treatments: Applying oils and ointments made from herbal extracts.

Fungal Infections

Unani experts see fungal infections as a result of a damp imbalance in the body. To address this:

Diet: A diet low in sugar and refined carbohydrates is often recommended.
Herbal Applications: Using neem and garlic for their antifungal properties.


Acne can arise from excessive heat in the body. In Unani treatment, we may focus on:

Cooling Foods: Incorporating fruits and vegetables that reduce body heat.
Topical Treatments: Herbal pastes with sandalwood and turmeric can be effective.

Urticaria (Hives)

Hives can be a sign of an allergic reaction or an imbalance in the body’s fluids. Management may include:

Avoidance of Triggers: Identifying and avoiding allergens.
Cooling Measures: Applying cold compresses and using anti-inflammatory herbs.

Unani Remedies for Skin Disorders

Unani medicine offers various remedies for skin issues:

Herbal Infusions: Herbs like mint, aloe vera, and rose water can be used topically.
Dietary Changes: A balanced diet is crucial. Including more fruits and vegetables helps improve overall skin health.
Hydration: Drinking plenty of water is vital for detoxifying the body.
Lifestyle Modifications: Regular exercise can enhance digestion and blood circulation, benefiting skin health.

Expert Consultation

If you experience persistent skin issues, it’s crucial to consult with a Unani expert. A trained practitioner can provide personalized guidance based on your unique needs. They may recommend dietary adjustments, herbal treatments, and lifestyle changes tailored to your temperament (Mizaj).

Skin disorders can significantly impact our quality of life. Understanding their underlying causes and managing them holistically can help. The Unani system of medicine provides valuable insights into treating skin disorders. By adopting Unani remedies and consulting experts, we can work towards healthier skin and improved well-being.

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